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May 27, 2024


Learn how to make mindful food choices, balance your macronutrients, and nourish your body from the inside out. Listen to your body's intuition, ensuring adequate nutrition, hydration, and rest. Discover holistic beauty and wellness practices to enhance your glow from within.

1- Condense everything you eat to 3 meals a day

Instead of spending most of your day snacking on different foods, allow your digestive system to rest and reset! Having 3 meals a day is a great way to ensure you are getting micro fasts in.

2- Eat your food in the right order

One of the best things about biohacking is you sometimes don't need to change WHAT you are eating, but the order. Starting your meals with fiber rich vegetables, then proteins, and ending with simple carbs and sugar. This will lead to a more gradual rise in blood glucose levels. You can even add apple cider vinegar, aka the magic elixir. You can have a tablespoon of acv diluted in a glass of water before your meals for a glucose hack.

3- Embrace intermittent fasting (at the right time of your cycle)

When it comes to fasting for women, timing matters. If you're a woman with a cycle, syncing your fasting style to the days of your cycle is key to optimizing results. When you fast during the wrong times of your cycle you might be unintentionally tanking your hormones, energy and fasting efforts, resulting in missed or irregular periods, weight loss resistance, hormonal rollercoasters and more. So when is the right time for women to intermittent fast?

Days 1-7 (menstrual phase, day 1 is when you get your period)

Give your body a break, not the time to fast.

Days 7-11

Now is the time to push yourself with fasting if you're interested. If you are new to fasting start extending your fast by one to two hours on day 7 and then pushing it an extra 30 min on the following days (or every other day if that feels like too much)

Days 12-15

Step out of your longer fasting state and turn it down a notch, don't fast for longer than 17hours at a time.

Days 16-21

In this first phase of the luteal phase, you can still intermittently fast.

Day 21-28

But seven days before your period, forget about intermittent fasting. Try to have your last meal of the day at 6-7pm and then breakfast when you wake up, a rough 12h between both meals.

4- Embrace a protein centered diet

That’s exactly why this meal plan is made with high protein meals. Proteins are like the body’s building blocks, they help repair and build tissues, like muscle, skin and hair. They also make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. I am a big fan of protein centered diet, as protein keeps you full for longer and grows your muscles - and muscle storage matters because muscles are better for storing insulin.

5- Support your gut by chewing your food

A simple way to support your gut is by making sure you chew your food thoroughly to aid in digestion and feed good bacteria in your gut .Properly chewing your food helps break it down into smaller particles, which makes it easier for your digestive system to process. This not only aids in digestion but also allows your body to absorb nutrients more efficiently.Plus, it provides a source of prebiotics for the good bacteria in your gut, promoting a healthy balance of gut flora. So, take your time to savor each bite and give your gut the support it needs!

Another simple way you can support your gut with nutrition is cutting down on sugar, which can starve out the bad bacteria in your gut. Try to opt for monk fruit as a sweetener if needed.

6- Find ways to detoxify

Detoxifying your body is crucial for well-being. Be mindful of your daily surroundings, such as skincare products, kitchen tools, and cleaning products. Opt for natural and toxin-free skincare to reduce your body's burden. Swap plastics for stainless steel, glass, and wood, and replace Teflon pans with stainless steel or ceramic. Use natural cleaning products to avoid endocrine disruptors that affect hormonal balance and metabolism.

Support liver and gut health by sweating through exercise or using an infrared sauna. Drink plenty of mineral-rich water with a pinch of high-quality salt and a squeeze of lemon for proper hydration. Incorporate adaptogens and supplements like dandelion root, milk thistle, and nettle tea, known for their detoxifying properties.

Detoxification is a holistic process. By adopting mindful skincare, staying hydrated, exercising, and using detoxifying herbs and supplements, you can enhance your body's natural detox processes and promote overall health and vitality.

7- Eat when relaxed

Eating is not just a mother box to tick off your daily to dos- with that comes unwanted bloating and indigestion. When you practice mindful eating and practice mindful eating, you promote optimal digestion and overall well being.

Start your meal by taking several deep breaths, take a moment before eating to express gratitude for your food. Chew each bite thoroughly and put down your fork and knife between bites. Slowing down help your body better digest and absorb nutrients, giving your brain time to recognize when you’re full.

8- Listen to yourself

Take time to reconnect with your higher self, remember who you are and act and eat accordingly. We all have different histories and our unique DNA has an impact on our gut and what its unique biosphere is doing and what diets would make us thrive.

So while I might be sharing with you what science says, please remember you know what’s best for you.


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